的 Northwest 新生科技指引 is designed to help new students underst和 campus technology services 和 resources.
Anytime you use your Northwest-issued login credentials or Northwest hardware, software 和 网络,你同意遵守 西北地区的技术政策. |
的 西北技术服务中心 大学将会 从来没有 ask you to submit your personal information like login credentials in an email! 即使电子邮件看起来是合法的,它也是 骗局! 看全国网赌正规平台的 网络钓鱼的视频 学会如何保护自己! |
所有大学的在线服务,包括CatPAWS,都可以通过以下途径访问: |
以怀疑的眼光看待 未知的 在线服务, advertisements or unsolicited emails or phone calls claiming that they can 备份 your files for a fee or requesting to put a credit card on file. 通常是。 骗局! |
通过使用西北 《全国网赌正规平台》杂志 or wireless 网络 (even with a personal 电脑 or device), 你同意遵守 西北科技政策. |
西北是 不 responsible or liable for the loss or damage to personally-owned devices brought to campus 和 does 不 provide insurance for such devices. 如果您有兴趣购买保险,请到 NTSC has (as a courtesy) provided a list of known 和 legitimate vendors who have previously provided Northwest students with personal equipment protection. 请参阅有关这些供应商的更多信息* 在 西北笔记本电脑 网页. *西北是 不 affiliated with insurance vendors 和 does 不 endorse any insurance vendor or plan. |